Praising the Mystery

Call to Worship

   BROWN.  We're going to pray now, and the prayer is in words written by Charles.  Let us pray:

There is something about transitions
(Cuts and seams in the fabric of time)
That give us a glimpse of Immanence
     of the One
     of the You
that lives behind our daily lives
behind each others' faces
behind the very structure of the Universe

Births, deaths, weddings;
Job changes, spring and fall
Even a late-night walk in the rain
Remind us that
     Permanence is an illusion
     Change is at the heart of every second
     And Time itself is mortal

We cannot hold You;
But in this moment, we can be touched by You.


Community Song

Canticle of the Sun Marty Haugen
Cheri & Steve Whelan

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